IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is a non-profit standards organization that develops and promotes technical standards related to the internet. Visualize IETF project is an attempt to visually present how different areas have evolved and how authors have contributed to Internet-Drafts (IDs) over time. Visualizations were created using Gsource.

I have published all the visualizations that I created under this YouTube Playlist. The source code of the project is hosted in GitHub under Visualize IETF.

Here’s a sample visualization of how IDs were authored from January 2021 to July 2021, This is clustered by areas and working groups that belong to the area.

This project was created as a part of the IETF 111 hackathon. Here’s my presentation at the hackathon. Slices are available here.

(Source: IETF111-HACKATHON-20210723-1900)